FOG system – Bikefitting.com Duratec Fog system is a measuring and computational system for the right position of the cyclist on the bike including the optimized design of the frame geometry. The expertly measured proportions of the racer by help of the FOG equipment are the input parameter.The computation calculates with many factors (anatomy, treter type, pedal type, discipline) and designs frame or bike so that the cyclist extends the most effective position. The outcome of the measurment is optimized frame geeometry and the sitting position. The system is trying to find the optimum among the effort, resistence, comfort and maximization of the effort and biomechanical stand-point. All these factors are investigated with the consequential progression and research in combination with practical tests. The Duratec company bought computational algorithms of the universal frame from the Bikefittings company, which created procedures for the calculation of several cycling disciplines, based on long-standing experiences and analyses of men and women population. The princip is based on understanding the biomechanical charatcteristics of the individual. These characteristics were searched nad consultated with specialized doctors. Their issue is so exacting, that its explanation is not possible by simple description. |
FOG Measurement
What to take with you to measure?
Shorts, pedals, shoes for cycling.