AFCF — Technologie — Duratec



Technology description

AFCF is an acronym for Accurately Fitted Continuous Fibre. This is a manufacturing technology for the production of composite monocoques which was developed in Duratec Development Centre. It has outclassed all manufacturers of carbon fibres in cycling all over the world. The AFCF technology clears the way for the production of monocoques with modified geometry, the so-called tailor-made monocoques!

Znázornění AFCF technologie


  1. The classic method of the competitive frames manufacturing is based on a large mould into which fibres are laid. It as hard to imagine that in case of a tailor-made frame  a new500 kgmould would be designed and made to manufacture a single piece of frame. The power of the revolutionary AFCF technology lies in the fact that the geometry of a monocoque can be modified for you upon request. Changing angles and tube lengths according to the optimization of geometry is possible as well.
  1. Thanks to this progressive manufacturing method we can offer 15 standard sizes in total compared to five standard sizes designated S, M, L, XL or XXL. In the offer scale itself we can talk about tailor-made frames!
  2. The AFCF technology reaches high inner cleanness of a frame which a customer can easily check in the hole of head tube. AFCF excludes any unnecessary material at the places of the tube joints. Strictly speaking the ends of the tubes do not exist at all. The fibres are continuously laid even in the parts where we would expect a joint – for a better idea in the parts where there is a weld joint at carbon frames. The technology guarantees high strength and stiffness by laying continuous fibre in the most strained areas.
  3. 90% of the frame is hardened at once. It minimizes the amount of the glued places, possibility of ungluing as well as weight. On the contrary the strength of the frame reaches the maximum value.
  4. Thanks to the AFCF technology, design of the composition of single cuttings and the direction of laying the fibres the monocoque reaches a very high stiffness. It favourably influences the ride comfort of the frame. The weight of the monocoque, size56 cmis950 grams.


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