The DURATEC Company, producing frames and bicycles, agreed to cooperate with the AB FinPoint Company, a sole importer of the Datatag safety technology to the Czech Republic. The Datatag is a safety and identification system of frame, fork and bicycle component marking serving as a criminality precaution and a proof of crime.
Complete Datatag system user set for CZK 949 is being included in the offer of the Duratec Company. Moreover, customers have a possibility to mark their frame and fork while they are being produced.
The Datatag system contains visible and hidden protective components. The main part of the identification and protection against crime is made by unique, almost invisible UV paint for your frame, forks and bicycles permanent marking. Another component is microspots applied on different bicycle surfaces, thus they are practically impossible to be found and removed all by offenders. Finally, the third level of protection is little plates with a unique identification number for a given bicycle and QR code. The plates warn a thief that a bicycle is protected and that this marking cannot be removed without damaging it.
Bicycle and its components marked in this way are unwanted goods for a thief. The marking cannot be removed, therefore it is practically unsellable and in case of being caught, proving a crime is very easy thanks to the Datatag system. Actually, the application of the system is simple.
The system includes a registration into probably the most extensive database of its kind in the world. The Datatag closely cooperates with state and municipal police in individual countries equipping them with reading devices, providing them with a constant access into the register and with regular trainings.