Knock the Glock — Duratec

Knock the Glock

Adventure full of adrenaline and determination! When Daniel Polman, an extreme cyclist and mountaineer started on 1 August at 15 o’clock from Vienna, he had 500 km of cycling and climbing to the peak of Austria - Großglockner (3798m) ahead of him.

This is the first part of a project called Knock the Glock. He rode mountain and road bikes Duratec and in the end he climbed over Stüdlgrat ridge! He completed the whole track without breaks and his aim was to finish within 24 hours. An intensive training preceded this project – thousands of kilometres in the saddle of bicycle, climbing, running, simply a complete physical preparation. Dan managed to overcome the portion of kilometres and height differences between the capital and thepeakofAustriawithin 22 hours and 15 minutes. "I am happy that I have managed to invent such a thing and make it happen. It is no doubt the biggest sporting performance and the craziest thing I have ever realized. I was planning the "Knock the Glock" project for two years and fantasised what such a challenge would involve. I expected it to be less hard work… On the other hand, I didn’t believe very much that I could finish it within 24 hours. I surprised myself. It is difficult to describe my feelings on the peak; it was a very emotional moment. When I was phoning my wife I was about cry. I feel happy for the three of us, for our success. We have spiced our lives up with new unforgettable experiences." Dan, congratulations on your amazing performance and success on behalf of the whole Duratec team! We are now looking forward to the forthcoming document.  :-)

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