1991-1995 — Historie — Duratec



The foundation of the company was a logical result of Milan Duchek’s activities from the previous years. He was able to invent various things in simple conditions and with minimum tools. An  “MD systém” brand involved home-made works as a disc bike, dandy horse, slip-on pedals, shifting in a brake lever, handlebars, seat and even a functional “cyclocomputer” made from a calculator. An important thing that Milan found out was that the ground of a reliable bicycle is a high-quality frame. Every start is difficult, especially if you don’t have any capital, business experience and you have to do everything on your own. The priority was to find an appropriate material for building frames. Having selected the attainable alternatives and having studied the materials, alloy 7020T6 was chosen. Next question to solve was the choice of a supplier – where to order the material? Nowadays it can seem funny, but the possibilities were totally different twenty years ago – no mobile phones, no internet… nothing. Only calling from the post office and sending faxes. The first delivery of material took place rather by mistake. The co-owner of an associated firm Mr Luboš Vacovský  helped Milan when he vouched for him at the supplier. Then, the first delivery of a smaller volume of aluminium alloy took place. That way it was possible to make sure that alloy 7020T6 is the right choice. Having solved the problem of material supply it seemed that the biggest problem was fought off. But the very opposite was the truth – a long fight arrived – first employees, first exhibition, the birth of specific models …and first customers who came to buy frames to a garage by a family house in Křimice. Those were exciting five years!

Milan Duchek

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