1985-1990 — Historie — Duratec



The history of the company dates back to 1987 when Milan Duchek came up with an idea to build bicycle frames. At that time as a 17-year-old student he tried to improve his bicycle. He started adjusting a steel frame with hand saw and propane burner.  His aim was to transform an F12 bicycle into a racing bicycle. And that was the moment when the first idea was born. It all took place in a family house cellar where various self-made bicycle parts were produced. Then, parts were at least a rarity and they arouse great interest among the racers of the same age. They wanted to have the same gadgets as Milan did and it was the time when demands started to cumulate. It was a period of communist regime and the idea to run a business was out of the question. In 1990 Milan was called up to perform military service and when he returned home, his ideas were so clear that he threw himself into taking first steps with the aim to manufacture frames and bicycles.


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