Prommotion of Czech high-tech products Duratec — Technologie — Duratec

EU Projects

Prommotion of Czech high-tech products Duratec

In the framework of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for the period 2007–2013, the Ministry of Industry and Trade introduced a total of 15 aid programmes. One of them is the MARKETING programme that is focused on the development of activities of the Czech exporters into the international market. It also puts emphasis on the increased use of export opportunities that exist on the world market. This programme supports for example acquisition of marketing information in context of entering the foreign markets, creating the studies of entering these markets, promoting the company at trade fairs and exhibitions abroad and creation of promotional materials.

The project „Prommotion of Czech high-tech products Duratec“ falls into the supported programme Marketing. We have used the raised funds to support the products of our brand abroad. Because of the situation on the Czech cyclist market we are forced to aim our products and services partly to export. The services we offer to our customers in the form of consultations and individual approach when building their bicycle are much better appriciated abroad than on the domestic market. This is the reason why we exhibited our products at trade fair Bike Expo Munich 2011 where we presented our complete range of products. The project was terminated in September 2011.

Duratec katalog

EU, Operační program Podnikání a inovace, MPO

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