Tandem Big Bang T9 — Designer — Duratec


Die beliebtesten Schaltgruppen

empfohlene Schaltgruppen Preis inkl. MwSt. Gewicht
Miche Miche Ritchey Comp 82 290 Kč 11884g
Miche Miche Ritchey WCS 87 274 Kč 11752g

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Preis des Bikes
ab 82 290 Kč
mit Komponenten
Miche Miche Ritchey Comp


Rahmenfarbe Logofarbe Farbe Oberteil Farbe Unterteil Logofarbe Rahmenfarbe Farbe Vorderteil Farbe Streifen Logofarbe vorderteil Farbe back Base Frame Laden
  • Design

  • Mono Mono


    • Arctic White
    • Attractive Green
    • Eclipse Black
    • Fire Red
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Light Blue
    • Classic Yellow
    • Orange
    • Light Pink
    • Deep Pink


    • CA171 White
    • CA172 Black
    • CA174 Titan Grey
  • Speedline Speedline

    Farbe Oberteil

    • Arctic White
    • Attractive Green
    • Eclipse Black
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Deep Pink
    • Fire Red
    • Light Blue
    • Classic Yellow
    • Orange
    • Light Pink

    Farbe Unterteil

    • Arctic White
    • Attractive Green
    • Eclipse Black
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Deep Pink
    • Fire Red
    • Light Blue
    • Classic Yellow
    • Orange
    • Light Pink


    • CA171 White
    • CA172 Black
    • CA174 Titan Grey
  • Roadline Roadline


    • Arctic White
    • Attractive Green
    • Eclipse Black
    • Fire Red
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Light Blue
    • Classic Yellow
    • Orange
    • Light Pink
    • Deep Pink

    Farbe Vorderteil

    • Arctic White
    • Attractive Green
    • Eclipse Black
    • Fire Red
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Light Blue
    • Classic Yellow
    • Orange
    • Light Pink
    • Deep Pink

    Farbe Streifen

    • White
    • Black
    • Green
    • Red

    Logofarbe vorderteil

    • CA171 White
    • CA172 Black
    • CA174 Titan Grey

    Farbe back

    • CA171 White
    • CA172 Black
    • CA174 Titan Grey
  • Logo auf dem Rahmen

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Velikost rámu je nestandardní, musíme Vám vyrobit rám na míru. Budeme Vás kontaktovat

50/48 19,7/18,9 161-165 155-160 534/672 520/669 500/480 386 390 282/282 125 588 1643 41 63,3 730/722 389/543 541/483 72,5 75,0/75,0
52/48 20,5/18,9 166-170 155-160 544/672 532/665 520/480 386 390 282/282 125 593 1649 41 60,2 757/731 399/537 543/502 73,0 75,0/75,0
52/50 20,5/19,7 166-170 161-165 544/686 532/683 520/500 386 390 282/282 125 593 1663 41 60,2 750/741 399/551 543/502 73,0 75,0/75,0
54/47 21,3/18,5 171-175 155-158 555/672 546/659 540/471 386 300 282/282 125 604 1660 41 60,2 787/735 410/532 543/522 73,0 75,5/75,0
54/50 21,3/19,7 171-175 161-165 555/686 546/679 540/500 386 390 282/282 125 604 1674 41 60,2 776/750 410/546 543/522 73,0 75,0/75,0
54/52 21,3/20,5 171-175 166-170 555/705 546/702 540/520 386 390 282/282 125 604 1693 41 60,2 769/760 410/565 543/522 73,0 75,0/75,0
55/49 21,7/19,3 173-177 158-162 560/672 552/662 550/492 386 390 282/282 125 604 1665 41 60,2 792/750 410/530 543/530 73,0 74,5/75,0
56/52 22,0/20,5 176-180 166-170 566/705 560/697 560/514 386 390 282/282 125 610 1704 41 60,2 796/766 416/560 543/540 73,0 74,5/75,0
56/54 22,0/21,3 176-180 171-175 566/712 560/710 560/540 386 390 282/282 125 610 1711 41 60,2 787/779 416/567 543/540 73,0 74,5/75,0
57/52 22,4/20,5 178-182 166-170 571/705 564/697 570/522 386 390 282/282 135 610 1704 41 57,1 807/774 417/558 554/549 73,5 74,5/75,0
58/53 22,8/20,9 178-185 168-172 577/705 570/697 580/532 386 390 282/282 145 617 1710 41 57,1 816/784 421/555 564/559 73,5 74,5/75,0
58/55 22,8/21,7 178-185 173-178 577/717 570/712 580/550 386 390 282/282 145 617 1717 41 57,1 810/793 421/562 564/559 73,5 74,5/74,5
60/55 23,6/21,7 186-193 173-178 589/717 582/709 600/553 386 390 282/282 165 629 1735 41 57,1 836/804 427/562 583/578 73,5 74,5/75,0
60/58 23,6/22,8 186-193 179-185 589/738 582/735 600/580 386 390 282/282 165 629 1750 41 57,1 826/817 427/578 583/578 73,5 74,5/74,5




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Komplettpreis des Bikes 0 Kč

Gewicht 3400g

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Building a tandem requires a highly individual approach, especially in its geometry and design. It requires the combination of two frame sizes so that the result suits both riders.  Thanks to our custom production and our extensive experience of many years with tandems, Duratec, can design and fine tune frame geometry, manufacture the frame and assamble complete bikes to our customers satisfaction.  Duratec tandem bikes are used by many national teams of disabled athletes around the world. Representatives of Australia, the Netherlands, Brazil, Ireland, Greece, Russia, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Spain and many other countries are the best references for our products. Duratec prides itself on building high quality tandems for very tallented riders. Many international and national track medals have been won on Duratec bicycles.

Big Bang T9 is a racing tandem specially intended for sprint and pursuit. Large-diameter tubes made of 7020T6 aluminium alloy are used for construction of the frame. The large diameters of the tubes ensure the rigidity of the frame and effectively resists stress in the direction of torsion. For track disciplines the conversion of force from pedalling to acceleration is a core requirement. Overall this is an extremely high quality frame concept in terms of strength and rigidity. The riding position and position of the riders in terms of each other is an important parameter, in particular for track disciplines. Duratec offers 14 basic sizes in the standard offer. The geometry is designed according to the height of the riders so that the length of the rear rider's top tube is shorter and they adopt an aerodynamic position without excessive space between each other. If requested, it is possible to make the frame to order according to the individual requirement of the riders.

Standard equipment: 
headset 1–1/8" - 1 1/2" FSA ORBIT IS2 , track-type inserts in rear dropouts, seat clamp diameter 31.8 mm

Additional features
modification of basic measurements according to the rider's request or cyclists' body

Mating dimensions
frame geometry for Duratec fork (height 397 mm, steerer tube length 320 mm, tapered 1-1/8"-1-1/2") , wheel diameter 28" (622), width of the rear triangle 120 mm, seatpost diameter 27.2 mm

Frame geometry
download a table with the frame geometry here 

Big Bang T9

DURATEC F02 front fork is made of 7005T6 aluminium alloy and has conical post 1-1/8“-1-1/2“, crown diameter 50 mm, weight 720 g. The fork is offered in many variants according to the individual disciplines and selected types of brakes. For example road fork for calliper brakes, road fork for disk brakes, track fork etc. The crown diameter seamlessly blends with the frame head and the transition between these parts is very compact. The fork is certified for tandem use. 

One of key challenges with tandem bikes is the sourcing of appropriate cranks.  We very often use GEBHARDT cranks which are customed machined to the client's requirements in the Czech Republic.  It is possible to choose the lengths of the cranks for pilot and passenger separately or depending on the frame size (167.5 , 170, 172.5 , 175, 180mm). The 1:1 coupling gear is most often 39-39, rear chainring size 51 teeth (or 47-56T), pinion 16 teeth (or 13-17T).  Possible colour versions black, red or silver.  ISIS or 4-edge axle. More info and pictures available at www.gebhardt.cz

Big Bang T9 Detail on chain

Very frequently discussed topic in the tandem cycling is the stiffness and resistance to torsion. Frame Big Bang T9 achieves high torsional rigidity mainly due to the usage of oversized tubes made from highest quality alloy 7020T6 in their construction. The lower and central tubes have a diameter of 52 mm and the middle of the frame tubes are specially shaped to resist high loads.

Big Bang T9 Big Bang T9
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